Grading System
Teachers are charged with the responsibility of grading students and recognizing their individual differences. Grading should be based on the progress that the individual student has made towards mastery of skills and concepts.
S=Satisfactory/Skill Mastered
N=Needs Improvement/Skill Not Mastered
First Grade:
O=Indicates that the student consistently and independently demonstrates mastery of proficiency of the grade level standard.
S=Indicates that the student is progressing toward consistent and independent mastery of proficiency of the grade level standard.
N=Indicates that the student is beginning to progress toward the grade level standard.
U=Indicates that the student is not yet demonstrating progress toward the grade level standard.
Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grade report cards are generated in Power School in accordance with the following numeric scale:
A = 93-100
B = 85-92
C = 77-84
D = 70-76
F = Below 70
N=Needs Improvement
Report Cards
Report cards are issued within a week following the end of each grading period. At the midpoint of the grading period, all students receive interim reports to take home to parents.